Monday 4 March 2013

Things I need to buy

I need this more than Oscar Pistorius needs the name of a good bathroom decorator.

This is actually what the AMERICUN agents used to melt the brains of "those brown folk" when they were searching for Bin laden so they could bring him to justice shoot him loads of times for shits & giggles. True story bro, don't believe a word of Zero Dark Thirty. It didn't even win the Oscar for Best Picture and we all know that is the true measure of how great a movie is. On a completely unrelated note, here are some films that also didn't win Best Picture:-

Pulp Fiction
Apocalypse Now
Shawshank Redemption
Taxi Driver
Saving Private Ryan
Beverly Hills Cop 2

Getthefuckouttahere, indeed.

The Name of The (Stone) Rose

This is why material possessions are cool.