Saturday 23 February 2013

Fair Game

Today I ventured to the most glorious of places - The Record Fair, held at the rather historical Mitchell Library in Glasgow's mean streets. I would liked to have provided a photographic cavalcade for you to feast your eyes on but unfortunately after I took one photo, I realised that something strange was afoot. Now, I appreciate that a lot of the people who go to these sort of events are a bit, shall we say, eccentric, but I was not expecting this.

As you can clearly see, shape shifting lizards (Alright David Icke, calm down - Ed) were on the prowl, possibly trying to find a copy of a rare Alien Sex Fiend LP. Startled, I got on with my browsing POST HASTE and got the hell out of town with a hefty selection of Vinyl goodness. Obviously I would stayed & kicked some arse but I still had plenty of bubble gum left.

I can assure you that this is not an elaborate and/or unnecessary story to cover the fact that I forgot to take any photos. Most definitely not.

Anyway, here are today's purchases.

I was particularly pleased to get a mint condition copy of This is our Art by those fine Bellshill indie popsters, The Soup Dragons for the princely sum of £1.25. I'm a shrewd devil.

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