Monday 18 February 2013

Won't pish on your lap.

There are many things in this world that people deem to be precious - Diamonds, Memories, Religion (lol) & of course children. My Facebook timeline is certainly a testament to the latter - oh look, little Johnny Knoberson is standing upright, now he's sitting down, now he's sleeping & now a little bit of me JUST DIED INSIDE. Anyway, I digress. Here is something that I find precious, a little gem from my own personal collection that I guarantee won't pish on your lap.

The Very Best of The Stone Roses. Released at a time before vinyl had become popular again, but I was there, buying it - I've always been cool. Just look at it in all it's splendour. From what I understand it's also very rare, I can't find any copies on Amazon marketplace or eBay and never have seen one. I have no idea how much it's worth, it's very possible that it's more valuable than Burkina Faso*. 

*Cat burglars, please don't rob me. 

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